Monday, April 13, 2015

I need your suggestions!

That's right, I'm behind in my gardening. I'm behind in pretty much everything, but have allowed myself to angst over this for only the next 6 weeks, and then I'll throw up my hands.

But at least I've gotten to this stage on putting in the new square-foot garden:
Actually, it's a little better than that, as I have the landscape fabric down now and will be bringing in some brown rubber mulch between the (evenly-spaced) beds. Hope to have the dirt mix in by next Monday.

My question to you is:

What should I plant?

What are your favorite veggies to grow, and why? Do you have one favorite recipe for which you might grow an entire bed of one thing? Do you have a favorite veggie you could eat every day?

What veggies should I AVOID?

I await your suggestions. And they'll count on the contest. Hey, did someone say "contest"?

Here's the info! SFR Station is offering three prizes: Grand Prize: $75 gift card (your choice of iBooks, Nook, Kindle, or All Romance) PLUS 16 ebooks. 2nd prize: $25 gift card and 12 ebooks! 3rd prize: $25 and 8 ebooks! Let's see… Oh, the Internet and all the codes… Here's where you enter: a Rafflecopter giveaway They say you only have to enter on one blog to be entered in the big contest.

Did I say "all"? Lots of people are giving little April Fools excerpts. You can sample from a wide variety, and I think this will give you a listing of links for everyone: 

If that didn't work, try going here instead, a simple little link. THE CONTEST RUNS ALL MONTH, so there's plenty of time to try out everyone's sites.

I'll give away a free ebook of your choice of my titles to TWO lucky people! All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog. Give me veggie suggestions!

--Carol Strick

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