Tuesday, April 14, 2020

You could win Amazon cash!

Happy April, fellow quarantiners! I hope you and all your acquaintances are healthy and going to remain that way for a long, long time.
But are you bored? Finished binging Picard and The Great British Baking Show? Garden is fully planted, nothing to do now but wait for things to grow? How about trying out some new books, all at a low, low price?
I’ve reduced the price of ALL my Kindle books to 99¢ for the duration. Around June 1, or whenever we come out of this, they’ll go back up to normal. I’m hoping this makes them look a little more inviting than usual.
Check them out at https://smile.amazon.com/Carol-A-Strickland/e/B0036UZYYI?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_7&qid=1586283963&sr=8-7 . That’s on Amazon Smile, which I like to use instead of regular Amazon because a few pennies of everything one buys goes to a charity that you designate.
There’s superhero romance adventure, soft science fiction with a dash of humor, and one sweet historical romance. (A word of warning: Nothing to Lose is also priced at 99¢, but that’s usual for it as it’s a short story. One of these days I’m going to expand it to novel-length…)

How do you like the new cover to Applesauce and Moonbeams? I got artist Chris Jay to do the adorable illustration of Jonathan, the spoiled moon cat. 

But wait! You could win $100 in Amazon cash!

You thought I forgot about that, didn't you? Through April 19, enter at http://ow.ly/Gc7C50zc8P4 as part of the weekly Kindle Review Giveaway. They have a nice selection of low-priced books there – one of which is MY Applesauce! – and you'll find a button to enter their contest. This is a great way to check out new authors and build your e-library!

Hope you enjoy whatever you’re reading, watching or doing! Remember: leaving an honest review is sheer gold-plated latinum for us authors. It can be short: “Loved it!” “I enjoyed the characters,” “Interesting plot,” etc. Still gold.
Enjoy spring. It’s still happening out there, despite quarantine. Stay healthy!
Carol Strick

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